Physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech, therapist, any rehab professionals in all kind of different settings who wants to learn research
tested self care techniques to alleviate work related stress and burn out.

Anywhere from 30 minutes to four hours based on client or  institution needs.

Based on the time chosen, there will be a short or long lab designed for clinicians to understand and practice

Sometimes new exercises or Trigger point release can be temporarily painful but should help you gain more mobility or pain should reduce between 2- 24 hours which is completely normal. If it lasts more than that you should consult your therapists.

After a detailed assessment by your therapist, custom plan will be developed for you based on your symptoms and goals. Treatment will range from Education, Postural ergonomic correction, pain relief treatment, muscle mobility program, strength training ,neuromuscular re-education, return to sports.

Yes on Physical visit, On your virtual visit the therapist will advise and guide you to self massage using home tools.

Your therapist can assess and develop appropriate program for you.

Yes  A detailed assessment based on your presentation will help determine your diagnosis. Treatment will be based on your impairments and functional limitation

You can choose to work with your therapist using various packages offered monthly or annually.